Music Therapy - What Does it Look Like Online?

Maybe the most common question any music therapist gets asked is:

“so what happens in music therapy, anyway? What do you actually do?”

And especially right now, as we all continue to stay at home as much as possible:

“How does music therapy work online?”

Of course, as you can probably guess, that’s not a simple question to answer. Online or in person, your relationship to music is just as individual as your therapy experience. Not to mention that lots of the tools that we have at our disposal when we’re in the same room together aren’t available when we’re in the tele-therapy space. After all, most people don’t have a collection of musical instruments from around the world at home to spark creativity and imagination, or invoke memory, vivid imagery and deep personal expression.

I mean – I do, but I don’t expect everyone to.

Luckily, having lots of specialized equipment isn’t necessary to have a meaningful musical experience in the digital therapy space (spoilers: it’s not even the most essential part of in-person music therapy, either).

Here’s One Way it Could Look…And SouNd

Today I want to share with you an example of what online music therapy can look like. Recorded with a volunteer, this unscripted video shows just one of the ways that music can play a role in therapy, without any need for you to buy fancy equipment or have any kind of musical training.


Interested? Reach out!

I hope that this can be helpful to some of you who might be curious about music therapy, and if you're interested, I'd love to work with you. You can read more about me and the services I offer or contact me to set up a free 20-minute phone consultation to get started. And of course, keep checking back here on my blog for more updates.



Al Hoberman